Wednesday 14 April 2010

Bukan sengaja bang, saya panik je...

Learner flips car on roof

Learner driver Krisztina Jaksa ended her second driving lesson by crawling out of an upside down car.

The bizarre accident happened in Headington, near Oxford, when the 24-year-old was crossing a junction.

The BSM Fiat 500 she was driving hit a gatepost then flipped onto its roof, smashing the side windows and windscreen. When local resident Ross Dunne heard a crash he rushed to the scene and helped Ms Jaksa out of the car; the instructor was already getting himself out.

Both Ms Jaksa and her instructor emerged relatively unscathed. According to witnesses, Ms Jaksa said that the steering locked and, panicking, she hit the accelerator hard.

There is no indication that a mechanical fault contributed to the accident in any way.

An ambulance arrived shortly afterwards and police closed the road briefly, but both the driver and instructor were treated only for minor cuts.

BSM Communications Manager Paul Shepherd said that the company had "spoken to the learner driver who is fine and is already hoping to book her next lesson with us soon."

Source: click


Nota kaki:

Kejadian di atas tu berlaku di 'kampung' tempat saya tinggal sekarang (Headington). Kesian, mesti trauma budak tu. Mujurlah 'speed limit' kat jalan utama Oxford-Headington tu 20 mph (kena bawak kereta slow macam kura-kura).

Kat UK ni kita boleh pilih kereta transmisi automatik atau manual untuk diuji bagi mendapatkan lesen memandu.

Tidak sebagaimana di Malaysia. Semua orang kena bantai pakai kereta kancil manual. Kereta 'belajar' terasa macam nak tertanggal semua - pintu, tayar, gear, brek, etc.

Kereta nak pakai masa 'test lesen' bersinar macam baru.

Masa test, mulalah gelabah sebab brek 'kereta baru ni, tekan sikit dan 'makan habis'. Kereta lama brek kena 2, 3 kali dan dah dekat nak sondol bontot kereta kat depan, baru nak 'makan'.

'Kereta test' punyelah mantap. Tekan minyak sikit dah berdesup. Kereta masa belajar 'tiada istilah pick-up' pun. Macam kura-kura.

Waktu ujian naik-turun bukit tu memang best. Tengok semua 'orang baru' tekan minyak bukan saja macam nak masuk F1, tapi sampai berkepul-kepul keluar asap.

Memang dahsyat. Tapi pedulilah. Apa nak kira, janji lulus ujian dan dapat lesen.


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