Wednesday 6 February 2013

Kongsi Ilmu: Pembentangan Kertas Penyelidikan di ICTD - Local Stakeholders Participation in Developing Sustainable Community Based Rural Tourism (slide)

3-5 Februari 2013 (hari Ahad hingga semalam) saya berada di Pulau Pinang menghadiri dan membentang kertas penyelidikan di the International Conference on Tourism Development (ICTD) 2013 yang membawa tema Building the Future of Tourism.

Lazimnya, setiap kali keluar (bermusafir) saya akan bingkiskan catatan sepanjang perjalanan. Tetapi kali ini elok juga saya menukar angin dengan berkongsi bersama para pembaca blog sebahagian presentation slides yang saya telah bentangkan di seminar yang tersebut.

Semoga perkongsian ilmu yang sedikit ini mendatangkan manfaat kepada yang sudi membacanya. Allah lebih mengetahui.

Kindly quote this material as:

- Kamarudin, K. H. (2013). Local Stakeholders Participation in Developing Sustainable Community Based Rural Tourism (CBRT): The Case of Three Villages in the East Coast of Malaysia. Proceedings. The International Conference on Tourism Development (ICTD) 2013, Penang, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-967-394-133-9.

Other publications by the same author:

- (forthcoming) Kamarudin, K. H. (2013). The Development of Economic Clusters in Community Based Rural Tourism: Case Studies of Three Villages in the East Coast of Malaysia, in Ghazali et al. (eds) Cluster Development in Benefiting Local and Regional Societies and Economies. USM Publisher (Chapter in Book).

- Kamarudin, K. H. (2012). The Economics of Community Based Rural Tourism: Case Studies of Three Villages in the East Coast of Malaysia. Proceeding. Rural Research Planning Group (RRPG) 3rd International Workshop 2012 Cluster Development in Benefiting the Local and Regional Societies and Economies: Revisiting Challenges and Way Forward". Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.

- Kamarudin, K. H. (2012). Key Success Factors in Developing and Sustaining Sustainable Community Based Rural Tourism: Lessons from three villages in the East Coast of Malaysia. Paper presented in the Annual Research and Postgraduate Conference 2012, March 20 2012, Oxford Brookes University, UK.

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