Wednesday 10 September 2008


Sila baca artikel yang ditulis oleh RPK, jelas menunjukkan beliau tidak merujuk kepada mereka yang berilmu bagi mengupas dan membincangkan perkara ini (pemakaian tudung/tutup aurat). Agama tidak boleh dijawab berdasarkan logik akal semata dan kena sentiasa ingat bahawa orang Islam perlu hidup dengan panduan Al-Quran dan SUNNAH Rasul S.A.W. Biarpun ada hadis/ayat Quran merujuk kepada Rasul s.a.w dan keluarga, bukankah Rasul insan terbaik untuk kita jadikan ikutan? Fikirkan...

Bagi mengupas jawapan logik RPK ini, saya menggunakan klip video dari YouTube oleh Allahyarham Ahmed Deedat yang menjawab persoalan tentang pemakaian Hujab/Tudung di dalam suatu forum antara agama. Buatlah perbandingan. Video tersebut mungkin muncul pada post selepas ini. Rujuk kedua sumber ini dan tetapkan iman, buat keputusan dan tetapkan pendirian kita semua selepas itu.

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Raja Petra Kamarudin

I received an e-mail from a reader disagreeing with what I wrote in my article Inventing new religious rituals ( ). I forwarded his e-mail to a friend and my friend so kindly replied to the points raised. My friend's reply is in BOLD.

I thought I would share this ‘exchange’ with you while at the same time allow Syed Hamid to, again, scream that I am a ‘blasphemous Muslim of the worst kind’ and threaten me with detention under the Internal Security Act. These threats do turn me on so, and at times even gives me an orgasm, so keep them coming Syed.


In the article there was a sentence stating: "Apparently, the tudung was 'decreed' for only the Prophet's wives and not for all women…" So I've have looked into the Quran and found some things.

1) "O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful." Surah Al-Ahzab (33), verse 59.

Comment : Firstly, see the words 'so that they may be recognised and not annoyed'. This means at least the face must be visible. It is wrong to say that other women at that time (non Muslim Arabs, Jews, Christians) did not wear the tudung. The truth is that the Jewish and Christian women wore far more conservative tudung than the Muslim women.

Covering the body is also required of men and women in the desert. It has nothing to do with any religion. So when the verse says 'so that they may be recognised' it actually means the women should not cover their face or head in such a way that the people cannot differentiate them from other Christian and Jewish women who also wear tudung and veils. This means there is no such thing as a tudung to cover your head and face.

The verse 33:59 says the following in Arabic:

Ya ayyuhan nabi : O you prophet
qul li-azwajika wabanaatika : tell your wives, your daughters
wa nisaa i mu'mineena : and the believing women
yudneena : to lengthen
Alayhinna : over them
min jalabeebihinna : from their garments/cloaks. There is absolutely NO mention of head or hair or face in this verse. There is no reference to tudung. The reference is to lengthen your garments over your body. This means women must dress decently.

2) "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed." Surah An-Nur (24), verse 31.

Comment : Again there is no mention of head (ru'usa) in this verse or face (wujuh/wajh). Please note the words 'draw their veils over the bosoms'. The arabic is as follows:

walyadribna : and strike / cover
bi khumurihinna : with their outer garments
Ala : over / upon
juyoobihinna : their bosoms / breasts

Women are told to cover their chests/bosoms/breasts. That is all. This tallies with the earlier verse 33:59 above where the women are told to lengthen their clothes/garments. There is absolutely no mention of head (ru'usa), face (wujuh) or hair.

3) In order to interpret the Quran, we have to go to people who have knowledge about it. In what circumstance the verse was revealed, etc. But not just any scholar who says that they know.

Comment : We DO NOT interpret the Quran. May I suggest something much simpler? Why not we just read it? If we look at the Quran in its arabic and then look at the translated words just a little carefully, we will understand it. You DONT EVEN have to know Arabic. For example the arabic word for HEAD (kepala) is NEVER mentioned in any of the verses quoted above. Neither are the arabic words for face and hair. So how do the translators include head, face and hair? Someone must explain this.

4) There are loads more Hadeeth on women's veils.

Bukhari (6:321) - Muhammad is asked whether it is right for a young woman to leave her house without a veil. He replies, "She should cover herself with the veil of her companion."

Comment : This is quite typical of the hadeeth. What in God's name does it mean 'the veil of her companion'? If veils are worn by women, then the companion must be a female too. Why pinjam her female companion's veil? Then her female companion will NOT have a veil anymore. Does this mean the female companion now cannot leave the house until the girl who borrowed her veil returns home ? Read carefully. It says 'she should cover herself with the veil of her companion'. What if there is no companion?

What if she has her own veil? Does she still have to borrow? What if both the girl and her female companion dont have veils? This does not make sense. I think this hadeeth has to be checked carefully for its authenticity.

Bukhari (60:282) - After Muhammad issued the command (Sura 24:31) for women to cover themselves, the women responded by tearing up sheets to cover their faces.

Comment : This contradicts the meaning of the verse. As I said the verse does NOT mention face at all. As I have pointed out, the women are supposed to be identified and differentiated from the other women (who also wore veils and covered their faces like the Christians and the Jews). This means their faces had to be exposed. But the hadeeth says the women were told to cover their faces. The authenticity of this hadeeth needs to be checked carefully.

Abu Dawud (2:641) - The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Allah does not accept the prayer of a woman who has reached puberty unless she wears a veil.

Comment : Why not? The Quran says that we must think of God ALL THE TIME. The Quran says 'zikrulaahi-akbar' which means 'the constant remembrance (zikir) of God is better'. A woman (and men too) should remember God when she goes about her housework, her gardening, her driving, her swiming, her job etc. God can accept her zikir or remembrance of Him anytime. That is why the remembrance of God (God consciousness) is greater 'zikrulaahi-akbar'.

Looking into the comments on the articles, the person who tried to point this sentence out was ridiculed. So that is why I sent this e-mail so that I would get your attention. Thank you for your time.

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