Sunday 7 September 2008

Hari Yang Sejuk

Assalamualaikum semua,

It has been a long time since I wrote about myself and my activities. Lately, I've been quoting other sources for my posts - from current news from Malaysia newspaper and blogs to hilarious jokes worth sharing.

This is my first Ramadhan in the UK. So far I'm enjoying it but not as much while I was back home in Malaysia. Alhamdulillah, I'm not alone here together with my wife, having someone to talk to, someone to take care for and to be taken care by.

About 2-3 weeks ago the weather in Oxford have been inconsistent. It shows that summer is already left us and now we are entering the cold and windy autumn. Almost everyday it rains and the only thing I can do is to lay down comfortably, watching TV, do some reading and surf the internet.

For Ramadhan this year I'm really thankful to my wife because she really take good care of me, eventhough sometimes she's out of idea what to cook for Iftar (break-fasting).

Living abroad reminds me of my childhood memories in the Kampung when myself and other 8 siblings of what we did every Ramadhan especially the meals prepared by my beloved mother.y mother. At that time, life was hard unlike today (Alhamdulillah it's getting better). Most of the time we only had fried 'ikan selayang' and sugarcane juice, and my favourite 'air tuak'.

Once in every Ramadhan, my mom will prepare 'Ayam Percik' using traditional grill at the back of our humble home. Until today, Mok's 'ayam percik' is still her speciality.

Other than missing Iftar times with the family, I really missed the tarawikh prayers at the musolla (and of course the late supper after tarawikh, hehehe..).

We will try for the next Ramadhan, for us to be able to celebrate both Ramadhan and Syawal in Malaysia, perhaps during our survey and data collection stage.

Until we meet again. Wassalam...

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