Sunday 27 July 2008

Punting at Wolfson College, Oxford University

Another meaningful weekend! Today (Sunday, again I can't remember the date, DDDOOOHH!), we went punting (bersampan) at Wolfson College, courtesy of a friend at Wolfson (our 1st luck). The best part was we got it for free, saved a few qiuds from renting a boat.

There were 6 of us; me, my wife, Abang Rosli, Yani, Nurul and Elly. Even though it was difficult and very tiring to maneuver the boat, it was soo enjoyable; a day away from the stress of thinking about my research and enjoying the panoramic view of the beautiful Oxford canal.

Our 2nd luck of the day was when another colleague in Wolfson offered us lunch at her room. Here are the photos of our punting outing.

Thanks guys!

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